The Best Hostel in the World (Probably)

Sometimes when I talk about how I usually prefer hostels for both budget and meeting other people reasons, I get some kinda look. You may know the one. The look that says “oh I could never do that” (lots of people say that to me all the time about travel things in general). For some reason, some people still associate “hostel” with being unclean or unsafe.

Here to bop that nonsense into yesteryear where it belongs, let me tell you about the best hostel in the world. I would choose this place over any hotel any time. Even if they were the same price.

DISCLAIMER: I have not been to every hostel in the world. I’m clearly being silly. But this IS the best hostel I have ever stayed in. And I’ve stayed in quite a few at this point. It’s a wonderful sample of the type of quality one can expect from the #hostellife.

Barbara’s Boutique Hostel in Antigua


Mere minutes from the main square, you really can’t beat the location. And for only $10-13 a night, it’s not even the most expensive hostel in Antigua, one of the most expensive places in Guatemala. Now, if you’re usually more of the hotel/AirBnB goer that price alone might be making you skeptical of the quality. So cheap! How is that possible!? But on the other end of the spectrum, if you’re a seasoned backpacker who is not above bunking in a true dive, that price may seem a little steep. I get it. I usually look for rooms under $10/person, and have no trouble finding them. When you really look though, $11 is about as cheap as it gets in Antigua. And this place will definitely help you recharge after some time on the road.

The cleanliness and comfort is insane. Sheets are changed and the whole place is cleaned every single day. That living room area is crazy comfortable, and the TV in the corner has all the things my parent’s TV in the states has. Plus Netflix! We happened to be staying here the Sunday the Game of Thrones finale was happening, and several of us turned out the lights and watched it in this living room. The staff even popped popcorn for us, and we didn’t even ask for that!

Unlike many hostels this place also includes breakfast. And not just toast and coffee. A full on breakfast every morning, and coffee all day long. AND free cake in the afternoon! WHAT?! Unheard of. And great for the budget.

Other amenities include:

  • A large locker for every guest

  • Privacy curtain on each bunk

  • Your own shelf, light, outlet, and fan for each bunk

  • Free pretty good WiFi

  • Laundry service (for a fee)

  • The nicest staff to ask questions about your travel plans

  • A rooftop seating area

  • Fully stocked BOMB kitchen

Barbara’s Boutique Hostel is a beautiful and comfortable place right in the heart of one of my favorite cities in the world. I hope you give them your business if you’re around.


Ready to try the hostel life?

Save so you remember where the best hostel in the world is!